The Law Firm also has a deep- routed specialization in Bankruptcy law, with a specific regard to the bank credit assessment and in case of Bankruptcy, areas in which the Law Firm provides legal aid to its clients from the first preliminary risk evaluation to the eventual judicial contentious.
The activity of the client consulting is well consolidated especially in restructuring and Business Administration evaluation that firms in troubles show to the banking system.
In particular the Law Firm can operate in the following areas:
In judicial :
- Bankruptcy;
- Action to set outside;
- Late or prompt petition in Bankruptcy;
- Opposition judgment to the Bankruptcy and to the distribution project;
- Debt revocation judgment;
- Bankruptcy petition;
- Opposition judgment to the validation of composition in Bankruptcy
In extrajudicial :
- Assistance and evaluation and showing restructuring plans ( art. 67 Bankruptcy Law) or restructuring agreements ( art182 bis Bankruptcy Law).
- Evaluation of the criminal profiles related to the approval of the above mentioned activities;
- Legal aid in the evaluation or submission of petition in Bankruptcy or composition in Bankruptcy.